When I ask people that question I am always surprised to hear some say, “I don’t know. Never thought of that because that would never happen.” It saddens me that people haven’t dared to dream. That even the thought of dreaming feels so far out of reach.
Luckily most people have some idea as to what they would like to do but they have never allowed themselves to think about how to make that happen. That dream, that passion or idea got buried a long time ago when life got busy or because lack of money made it seem out of reach.
Why do we think that we cannot pursue our dreams because we don’t have the money right now? Or that we have to continue working a job that we don’t really like because we have bills to pay?
A few months ago I talked to a woman who felt she was in a dead end job. She wasn’t happy. But it paid well and covered the bills. What bills? The credit card bills.
What is this woman doing to herself? She was sabotaging her way out of a quitting a job she didn’t like to pursue her dream job that she wanted to do but paid less because she worked a job she hated so she could pay her credit card bills. Just writing that sentence made me feel like I was spinning. Pheew!
How much money is she throwing out the window each month in interest? Instead of making the hard decision to stop borrowing and getting out of debt it was easier to blame her job. It was the job’s fault she was unhappy.
It’s not your employer’s responsibility to make you happy. It’s your responsibility. Yes, I know. Some managers out there are real pickles to deal with but ultimately it comes down to you. If you can’t change how things are run at that company then it’s up to you to find a different job, find a way to deal with it or start your own business.
After a good chat she realized what she was doing to herself. She realized she could change things. She’s still working the same job but with a different attitude and working hard at getting out of debt and building up savings so that she can take that leap to her dream job in the near future.
Take charge of your life. Work smarter, not harder. Find extra income by turning on your entrepreneurial mind. Boost that savings account. A great book for business ideas that cost $100 or less read Chris Guillebeau’s book: The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future (affiliate link).
Start dreaming. Start thinking about what you would do with your life if you didn’t have to worry about money. Because when you do your mindset changes. You start seeing opportunities instead of obstacles. You start feeling differently. You gain a different energy. You start finding others that are being paid to do what you want to do. Ask them how they did it.
Another great way to open your mind allowing you to dream is to join online groups like the 30 Days of Hustle with Jon Acuff (sign up to get his emails and you will be notified when next round opens up). Being surrounded by a community that have dreams, won’t call you crazy for dreaming and that will help you make your dream a reality will inspire you in ways you didn’t think was possible. The impossible become the possible.
I’ve had the blessing to be part of an online community that Jon Acuff started a year ago. My life has forever changed. My dream is the same but the community that is there to help and cheer me on makes it impossible not to believe in yourself. In a year I have seen people take their dreams and turned them into reality. I have seen business started, books written, people taking leaps they never thought were possible. All thanks to a community allowing dreams to flourish.
If you don’t know where to start just ask. My dream is to get you off the hamster wheel and start living! I’m doing it and so can you.
What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money?
Auggie Mueller says
good stuff. Work smarter not harder… Definitely gonna check out that book $100 start up thingy… very interesting.
Auggie Mueller recently posted…I Believe
Camilla says
Thanks! Keep me posted on what you think of the $100 Startup book. It has some great ideas.
Ethan says
If I didn’t have to worry about money, I think I would focus on creating amazing experiences. If money were a non-issue, then time would be my biggest enemy. Creating lasting memories with family would be on my priority list.
I think when people do see money as their biggest issue, desires exceed resources. What most fail to realize, though, is you can have endless desire if you desire the right things in life, those things that are not things. Suze Orman always says “People first, then money, then things”. It’s a pretty resounding statement.
Ethan recently posted…50% Complete
Camilla says
I love that say from Suze Orman. Life is about creating experiences but not just for ourselves but for others too. Giving back, helping, guiding.
The call to action is to ask yourself that question “What would I do if I didn’t have to worry about money?” and whatever that answer is that’s something to pursue because that’s where your heart lies and then find a way to make that your ‘career.’ For you that would be experiences with your family. Many ways to do that without spending money or a lot of it but others may want to know how to do that, get ideas and inspiration. How can I do what Ethan is doing? There’s a great book series called “10 Free things to do in City/Country XYZ.” There are so many of them because there is a need. People want that information. Someone is traveling around the world creating these guides living their passion but helping others by compiling information that is useful. Can’t wait to see Ethan’s Guide to ?? 🙂
Nick says
Great post, Camilla! If I didn’t have to worry about money (particularly in the long term) I would take supercharge my focus on my family and outside efforts to encourage people to live intentional and personally-responsible lives at home and with work they love!
Nick recently posted…10 Habits Of Happy Couples? I fail #2 miserably.
Camilla says
Thanks Nick! I would say you are already doing that but can’t wait for you to get the chance to supercharge your focus and help even more people 🙂